Strategic Plan

BOMA 2020 Strategic Plan
The BOMA Austin Board of Directors met in November 2019 and approved the following Mission Statement & Strategic Plan for the 2020-2021 cycle. We will use these objectives as we plan our events and activities for the coming years.
MISSION: The mission of BOMA Austin is to create value and opportunity in commercial real estate through advocacy, education and networking.
Promote member interests and reinforce value as the primary CRE leader and advocate for Austin. Actively promote members return on investment (ROI) for dues and engagement.
Connect BOMA brand to high profile legislative issues affecting the CRE industry.
Build awareness and buy-in of the BOMA Austin PAC and BOMA International PAC and their importance to the CRE Industry.
Become Austins source for industry education.
Promote designation & certification offerings to ensure member success.
Promote participation in BOMA 360 & TOBY (The Building of the Year Award).
Be a leader in promoting commercial real estate as a viable career (developing the next generation work force).
Enhance opportunities for all Members to connect and showcase their organizations through existing and new activities.
Identify networking opportunities appealing to both Emerging Leaders and established Industry Professionals.
Continue to grow our Social Media strategy.
Provide opportunities for members to engage in activities which support involvement in community service.